Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 13

I am skipping Day 12 - Exactly why would you want to see a screenshot of my desktop?  It's green with icons all over it!!  Boring as all get out!

So onto Day 13 - 3 Confessions!
  1. I'm a mild hoarder (but I am getting better at it) 
  2. I dislike wearing my glasses.  I always thought glasses were cool and stylish.  THEY AREN'T, they're ugly and make me look old. They are not in the least bit sexy.  They are ruining my "Leo" image. 
  3. I'm a little controlling - But, I like to think of it as being "powerful."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glasses aren't sexy huh? Well, I guess I'll be taking a picture down from my profile and destroying it! I had no idea we Leos had an image. I figured we made it up as we went along....