Tuesday, October 20, 2009

RTT #8


It's time again for some Random Thoughts!!

   On my way to a meeting last week, posted on the outside of a cubical, it read - Reserved for Marsha  I immediately thought of was Marsha Brady (I know, I am dating myself, but I am pretty sure the majority of you who are reading this post know her - SLAM!!) and the ditty Marsha Marsha bo Barsha Bonana fanna fo Farsha fee fy mo Marsha Marsha came to mind.  Do you remember that song too?

   I love giveaways and have actually won a few, not as many as **Nicole**  - she's the chosen one lucky one.  If you get a chance, skip over to her blog and check out Ramblings by Nicole, you won't be sorry.  Nicole, sorry to put that kind of pressure on you. Not really, that's what you get for winning so many giveaways.   Anyway, I am trying to make a suggestion for those blogger folks who run lots of giveaways.  Usually in my giveaway entering experience there is one mandatory entry then optional entries, which we know we do as many as we can - more entries more chances to win - right?  That's even how it works in the real world.  This is where my suggestion comes in to play.   Additional entries can be as minimal as one to as many as 10, and each additional entry requires a comment.  When commenting five, six or even seven times in a row it gets a little annoying, cumbersome even irritating to continually having to type in the "word verification" - Captcha if you will.  It would be very helpful to us commenters (is this even a word, my spell check keeps telling me it's wrong - WTF!) if you ever-so-loving giveawayers (this is my OWN word, thank you) could turn your word verification off, yes OFF, shut it the hell OFF! 
   Did I just hear you ALL ask how?  Woohoo, I am more than thrilled to explain.  As a Blogger user, go to Settings/Comments and scroll almost to the bottom of the screen, you will see "show word verification for comments", select No, click Save.  Now THAT was easy!!
   Now fellow entrants can zip right along with their comments. WooHoo!

   Heard we had a new big ass printer in our department - doubles as a tanning bed.  I am glad I don't sit anywhere near it.  I am so not in need of that much radiation.

   I was so shocked to have received the Holy Crap Award Honest Scrap Award.  That's what I said when Pixie told me in an email that she picked me to receive the award.

  The weather in Florida is very cold and I am NOT liking it.  Yes I am complaining.  The mornings are in the 50's warming up to the upper 60's by the afternoon.  It's cold - brrrrr

Get more Random Thoughts at The Un Mom and link up.


I am Harriet said...

Holy Crap Award- good one :)

Have a great RT!

rachaelgking said...

I would kill for some 60's right now! It's freezing in DC. ;-)

Anonymous said...

i posted photo of snow for my rtt..lol!

Ginny Marie said...

Had to stop by when I saw your name for RTT...my cousin is Kirsten, too, and her nickname when she was little was Kiki. How about that?

I remember the name song...groovy!

Mike said...

We used to do that song with "Buck"

"Buck Buck bo buck fe fi fo fuck!" LOL!

I hate word verification.

cozy heat said...

Your suggestions are really awesome. I will think about that.